It has been a while since I watch my last movies...but the opportunity came last month after I fell down and tore the ligament of my left knees.
With nothing much to do because of the limited movement cause by the injury , i've decided to catch-up with all the latest movies. It seems that i've already bought Taken dvd couple of month ago but totally forgot about it (tossed it somewhere) until i stumbled upon its preview on you tube. Released in US and UK on 26.09.08 but only managed to reach our shore last month (as usual) and please don't ask me where did I purchased the DVD ( not at liberty to disclose ha!ha!)
OK! back to the serious business , my review of the movie:
Title: Taken
Starring: Liam Neesom , Famke Jansen , Xander Berkeley , Maggie Grace , Katie Cassidy and a few thugs from France
Directed by: Pierre Morel
Produced by: Luc Besson (among other film credited to this dude are the fifth element , La Femme Nikita and the infamous Taxi series)
Duration: about 2 hours (I guess so!!)
It all starts with Bryan(Liam Neeson) who try to jump-start his life and to rekindle the relationship with her daughter Kim(Maggie Grace) whom he neglected all this years because of his duties to the country. Kim is living with her re-married mother(Famke Jansen) and her super-rich step father (Xander Berkeley).
The plot thickens when Kim decided to follow her friends to U2 europe concert in Paris. Kim being under-18 needs Bryan written permission for the trip . Bryan reluctantly gave the nod but must follow his strict guidelines and always remain in contact with him.
Unfortunately , shortly after arriving in Paris Kim and Amanda are abducted by the Albanian mob (their main specialty are extortion and human trafficking).It is one of the most realistic kidnap scene i've ever seen for years.
What follows are Bryan determination to find her beloved and only daughter with a window of 96 hours .More than that , Kim for sure are gone forever. This is where , Bryan show his through color with his skill that he acquire while serving US as a secret agent(which agency? remains a mystery to me).
Liam Neeson gave a brilliant performance and manage to portray a father struggle's to race against time to save her daughter.
The action sequence are the best and fight scene have been choreograph to perfection . Trust me! It is as real as it can get....
Would I see the film again?? :
Most definitely..i recommend it to all my readers .
enjoy the trailer:
wooo... citer ni mmg best! Ayah yang sangat cool!